What We Do
Adville Hotels and Resorts Limited is equipped to support all size of hotels. Areas of support includes human capacity development, business operations setup, managerial development, service standards, financial management and internal control improvement. We support sales and marketing teams and help all departments give accurate and detailed timely reports. Third party managerial and support services will be provided based on individual hotel needs and choice.
Hotel Operations
Adville offers you the expertise to support your hotel or restaurant. We train managers and staff to monitor cash flow in all the departments, keep up with industry standards and assist develop a strong relationship with hotels guest.
Culinary And Beverage Support
Kosher culinary and beverage is one aspect any hospitality business need to always get right. Adville understands this basic fact and thus provides our clients practical solutions and strategies on how to improve your kitchen management practices and facilities to ensure customer satisfaction and bring in more revenue for your business.
We also recommend the best restaurant services for our clients who would like to outsource that department of their business.
Sales and Marketing
Adville Hotels and resorts supports our hotels with sales and marketing Setup, develop sales and marketing plan, determine target market and support sales and marketing material production. Our ability to target a hotel’s unique market needs comes from a close study of market trends.
Accounting Services
Proper accounting and good book keeping practices could be the difference in making your business move from local to an international one. Adville therefore provides you with management accounting services that focuses on not just the general accounting procedures but also pays attention to the minute accounting practices. Our key object is to provide cost and profit centred reports on the various departments and help you regulate the degree of capacity utilisation in your hotel or restaurant. Our management accounting services includes;
- Financial Statement and Balance Sheet production and analysis
- Accounts receivable oversight and accounts payable processing
- Payroll administration and audit
- Development and implementation of control systems
- Cash Flow statements and monitoring
- Budget development and review
- Cash Management
- Capital Expenditures Budget
- Statistical analysis and comparison of similar business in the country
We also train your staff on basic financial practices that will help in ensuring efficiency.
Technical Services
Hiring and retaining experts and professionals in handling very technical parts of running your hotel or restaurant could be very expensive. Adville’s in-house professionals as well as network of companies and support staff will provide you with expert advice and technical services such as;
- Air-conditions
- Furniture
- Laundry
- Kitchen
- Swimming pools
- Entrance and External outlook
- Layout and interior design;
- Architectural and construction service
- Technical training and guidance in preventive maintenance, emergencies, projects, Safety, Security, Information Technology etc.
Monitoring & Meetings
At Adville we believe that sustainable change is what businesses need to remain relevant in the market. Our team of experts periodically conduct a review of your facilities and business operations with the aim of developing a custom-built strategy to effectively solve the essential shortcomings of your business.
Our audits cover the following areas:
- Examining the actual and optimal potential of a business
- All operating and administrative support departments.
- Profit and loss statement analysis.
- Human Resources Efficiency.
- Organizational Communication.
- Policies & Procedures.
- Procurement & Logistics.
- Revenue Management.
- Market options
Adville Hotel and resorts will schedule and participate in quarterly review meetings with Managers and owners to evaluate hotels activities and future prospects. These regular meetings will keep all parties up to date with the individual hotels and new trends in the hospitality business in the world.
Adville Hotels and resorts provides and support all registered hotels with a web portal on our main website and email addresses for better communication between all parties i.e. Hotel services, owner(s) and Adville. Advice on operational hardware and software’s is also a service we will offer to all our Hotels depending on the initial audit
Continuous Monitoring Support And Reporting Services
Adville believes that the first customer of your business is your staff. Proper human resources management can be the difference between a really well run hotel and a poor one. The Human Resource Manager can control almost the whole feeling and presence of the entire hotel. This makes this service very paramount in the industry. Our priorities are to:
- Build and share knowledge
- Promote good HR practices
- Foster training and learning opportunities
- Provide leadership on HR issues
Management Owners Meetings
Adville Hotel and resorts will schedule and participate in quarterly review meetings with Managers and owners to evaluate hotels activities and future prospects. These regular meetings will keep all parties up to date with the individual hotels and new trends in the hospitality business in the world